Support free community performances and education outreach programs across Portland while enjoying the exclusive benefits of membership.
NOTICE: Already a PDX Jazz Member? We have a new online account system! Please see your email from PDX Jazz for instructions on how to access your exclusive member site today or email members@pdxjazz.com.
Your membership of $100 or more allows you to unlock exclusive benefits and make the most of PDX Jazz concerts and events all year long.
All membership levels receive the following benefits:
Presales - purchase Portland Jazz Festival and seasonal show tickets prior to public on-sale
Discounted pricing on Portland Jazz Festival and seasonal show tickets when purchased in advance
Reserved seating at select general admission (GA) concerts
Access to members only online content including historical PDX Jazz recordings
Special offers from PDX Jazz partners
Member concierge service to assist with your account and benefits
Acknowledgment in the annual Portland Jazz Festival program
Includes all of the Soloist Level benefits plus the benefits listed
Includes all of the Soloist Level benefits plus the benefits listed
Includes all of the Soloist Level benefits plus the benefits listed